The task of Foundation BKR Aruba is to inform the banks and financial institutions about all loan agreements their customers have entered into. This information helps the banks and financial institutions in evaluating a credit application. In this way BKR Aruba helps in limiting credit and repayment risks as well as overexposure to credit and other problematic debt situations.
BKR Aruba must comply with the following law of Aruba, which is as follow;
AB 2011 no. 37 *CENTRAAL WETTENREGISTER* 18 september 2013
Intitulé : LANDSVERORDENING van 19 mei 2011 houdende nieuwe regels
ter bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer in verband met het vastleggen en verstrekken van persoonsgegevens (Landsverordening persoonsregistratie)
Citeertitel: Landsverordening persoonsregistratie
Vindplaats : AB 2011 no. 37
Wijzigingen: Geen
Artikel 10
All credit agreements, which are concluded, should be reported to BKR Aruba. BKR Aruba captures this information in a secure credit registration.
The information recorded is among others:
1. The amount of the credit;
2. The date the credit started (first month of repayment);
3. The agreed final month of repayment;
4. The actual month of final repayment;
5. The type of credit; and
6. Any peculiarities in the repayment of the credit.
The register also includes personal information such as:
1. Surname;
2. Initial(s);
3. Date of birth;
4. Address; and
5. Location.
Participants should notify BKR Aruba of any arrears in payments (past due amounts). The consumer should be warned in advance that past due amounts will be reported to BKR. A report in our database of a past due amount means that new loans will be more difficult to close and gives the bank an additional tool to motivate clients with past due amounts. A backlog reporting is done by means of an agreed upon code.
The following codes are used:
Code A: Past Due Notification; a past due notification on a credit is given by the lender.
Code H: Recovery; a credit with Code A that has paid all past due amounts is converted to a Code H.
Code 1: Code 1 is a credit with a past due amount on which a payment settlement has been agreed upon.
Code 2: The outstanding loan has been fully payable.
Code 3: 500 florin or more on the debt has been written off.
Code 4: The borrower is unreachable for the lender.
BKR Aruba is an independent party. We provide insight into the credit data of a natural person. The credit data should be objective. BKR Aruba will never provide an opinion whether or not to issue a loan; such a decision is always for the account of the lender.
The credit registration system is a highly secure one. The computer is in a secure area and access to the systems is monitored with modern software. Also, all changes and queries are recorded in order to be able to perform an audit trail. We also audit the system annually by independent specialized EDP auditors.